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UK To Deport 92 Year Old Widow To South Africa

A Home Office decision to deport 92 year old widow has sparked public outcry. Myrtle Cothill is unable to care for herself and was hoping to stay in the UK with her daughter, but instead has been ordered to return to her native South Africa. Update: Following the massive public outcry Myrtle has won a “stay of execution” after the Home Office cancelled a planned deportation According to the Guardian, immigration enforcement officials had booked Cothill on a Virgin flight to Johannesburg on Tuesday night but rang her lawyers late on Friday to say her booking had been cancelled. It is understood the Home Office has postponed the deportation to give the family more time to prove their claims that Cothill’s poor health means she is unfit to travel and care for herself in South Africa. The decision gives the family “breathing space”, said their barrister, Jan Doerfel. RT reports: Over 54,000 people have signed a petition calling for the elderly woman, whose father fought for Britain in WW1, to be allowed to stay in the UK. Nonetheless, Myrtle has been ordered to turn up at Heathrow next week on Tuesday to catch a flight to South Africa, where she has [...]