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Trump - Blumenthal Twitter War Goes Nuclear As Trump Fires Back

Trump - Blumenthal Twitter War Goes Nuclear As Trump Fires Back

Trump drew first blood this morning in what appears to be a growing twitter feud with Connecticut's Richard Blumenthal when he called the Senator a "phony Vietnam con artist." Within an hour, Blumenthal launched a counter strike calling Trump a "bully."  It had all the makings of a heated 1st grade-ish Battle Royale.

But, Trump has just taken things to a whole new level with the following tweet which seemingly confirms that the President is now locked in his first official Twitter War.

Blumenthal Responds To Trump: "Your Bullying Won't Work. No One Is Above The Law"

Blumenthal Responds To Trump: "Your Bullying Won't Work.  No One Is Above The Law"

Just an hour after being attacked by President Trump in an early morning tweet storm, Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut has now responded with a few snarky jabs of his own. 

"Mr. President: Your bullying hasn't worked before and it won't work now. No one is above the law."


"This issue isn't about me - it's about the Special Counsel's independence and integrity."

Report: Trump Fired Reince Priebus via Twitter

Content originally published at

Let's be clear about the firing of Reince Priebus. This was the most humiliating and excoriating firing in the history of America. Not only was he chewed out in a Bronx style chorus of expletives by newcomer Scaramucci, but, according to Howard Finerman's inside sources, he was fired through the President's twitter account.
