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Human Interest

Never Forget

As the barbeque-bonanza and shopping-fest, that Memorial Day has become for many, takes shape, we thought a little reflection was necessary on the deeper meaning behind this important celebration honoring those who fell in the armed services of America during its wars.



Memorial Day Quotes

“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”

— John F. Kennedy

“I have long believed that sacrifice is the pinnacle of patriotism.”

— Bob Riley

John Lydon Claims BBC Punished Him Over Savile Whistleblowing

Sex Pistols star John Lydon has claimed that BBC bosses ‘blacklisted’ him and the band from appearing on BBC shows after he exposed Jimmy Savile as being a Paedophile back in 1978.  Lydon gave an interview to Radio 1 in which he claimed Savile was a “hypocrite … into all kinds of seediness … that we’re not allowed to talk about“. The BBC subsequently shelved the Jimmy Savile claims by the Sex Pistol star, which later turned out to be true after hundreds of allegations of sexual abuse against the DJ came to light after Savile’s death in 2011.

Lonely Elephant Hanako Dies At Japanese Zoo

Hanako, the “loneliest elephant in the world” has died at a small zoo in Tokyo. She was the oldest elephant in Japan and had lived alone at the zoo for 67 years. Hanako’s health deteriorated in March after her birthday celebrations where cancelled. She was the subject of a worldwide campaign to free her from her isolated concrete environment. She was found dead lying on her side in her pen on Thursday. She was 69.

California Voter Fraud Discovered

An investigation has discovered that California has suffered from widespread voter fraud for a number of years, with authorities refusing to address the problem.  CBSLA2 and KCAL9 found that hundreds of deceased voters were still active on voter registration rolls, and that most of the names on the rolls have been voting in Los Angeles for years. reports: For example, John Cenkner died in 2003, according to Social Security Administration records, yet he voted in the 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, and 2010 elections.

Study Confirms The Voice Of Freddie Mercury Was Amazing

Science recently confirmed something that Queen fans have known for years: Freddie Mercury was an amazing singer. The late singer’s inimitable voice was the subject of a study by a team of Austrian, Czech and Swedish researchers who set out to analyze Mercury’s voice from archived recordings in an attempt to find out exactly what made it so memorable. Their results were published in April in Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology (via AlphaGalileo).
