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Citizens In Hungary Burn Monsanto GMO Cornfields

Citizens in Hungary have located and destroyed 1000 acres of cornfields that were found to be grown with GMO seeds supplied by Monsanto.  In Hungary, GMO seeds are banned along with other GM ingredients. reports: According to Upriser, “Almost 1000 acres of maize found to have been ground with genetically modified seeds have been destroyed throughout Hungary, deputy state secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development Lajos Bognar said.

Is Trump Wrong About A Border Wall? One Stunning Chart Has The Answer

Is Trump Wrong About A Border Wall? One Stunning Chart Has The Answer

Submitted by Jacob Bojesson via,

Several European countries have erected fences to keep migrants out, and, according to the numbers, every case appears to have a large impact.

Hungary was a popular pathway for refugees on their way to Germany during the fall. When the daily illegal border crossings were at 7,000 per day, Prime Minister Viktor Orban decided to erect a fence along the border to Serbia and Croatia.

The result speaks for itself:

Where Have We Seen This Before: Hungary Central Bank Will Prop Up Economy By Boosting Stock Market

While most western central bankers are slowly, if grudgingly, admitting that everything they have done since the start of the "most hated rally in history" has been to create precisely this rally (also explaining why it remains so deeply "hated" as none of it is in any remote way natural) at least in Hungary they are dead honest from the onset, that when it comes to propping up the economy it all starts (and ends) with the stock market.

John Lukacs vs. Populism

In 2005, the great Hungary-born conservative (he prefers the term “reactionary”) historian John Lukacs published an unfortunately not-very-good book called Democracy and Populism: Fear and Hatred. It wasn’t very good simply because it reads like his notebook, not like an actual book. It’s not well organized, I mean. But there are gems scattered throughout, and they glitter with particular brightness in this political moment.
