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India's Downward Spiral Accelerates: "The Real Pain Is Just Beginning"

India's Downward Spiral Accelerates: "The Real Pain Is Just Beginning"

Submitted by Jayant Bhandari via,

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on 8th November 2016 that Rs 500 (~$7.50) and Rs 1,000 (~$15) banknotes would no longer be legal tender.

Sadly, the despondency visible in the old man’s facial expression has become a widespread phenomenon since the currency ban, particularly among India’s poor


India To Deploy Hundreds Of Battle Tanks On Border With Pakistan

India is about to deploy almost 500 main battle tanks (MBTs) along its Western and Northern borders with Pakistan. The move substantially increases a large tank force that is already there and according to analysts could be an indication that India is preparing to activate its ‘Cold Start’ doctrine if required. Pakistan has already vowed that it would use all the weapons at its disposal to defend it’s country, including nuclear weapons.

The Elite's Dream of a Cash Ban is Now Closer Than Ever

Globally the Elites are watching what’s unfolding in India… and they are doing so with glee.

In case you missed it, India banned the use of the 500 and 1,000 Rupee bills on November 8 2016.

This is effectively a complete  physical cash as these bills (both of which are worth < $10) represent 86% of all cash in circulation.

The country plunged into turmoil soon afterwards. But guess what?
