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"Gold Is Now Effectively Illegal" In India - The Consequences Of Creating A Cashless Society

Jayant Bhandari warns "there are clear signs that in a very convoluted way, possession of gold for investment purposes will be made illegal" as he discusses India's attempts to create a cashless society (and consequences of it) and why precious metals and geographical diversification are the most viable options investors around the world, not just India, should be taking.

"The situation is getting worse by the day... people are desperate"

Indian Gold Premiums Explode After Nation's Biggest Gold Importer Suspends Bullion Dealers Accounts

Indian Gold Premiums Explode After Nation's Biggest Gold Importer Suspends Bullion Dealers Accounts

Following news last week of a surge in Chinese retail gold premiums as demand for physical bullion soars amid China capital controls, Reuters reports that the chaos in India has sent people rushing to buy gold, paying as much as a 50 percent premium above official India prices. This renewed surge in demand for physical in india follows reports that India's top importer of gold, Axis Bank, reportedly suspending the bank accounts of some bullion dealers and jewelers following the arrest of some executives over money laundering.


World's "Most Bearish Hedge Fund" Suffers Worst Month In History, Refuses To Capitulate

World's "Most Bearish Hedge Fund" Suffers Worst Month In History, Refuses To Capitulate

“In my view, the Trump election has made a large Chinese devaluation more likely. Mainland Chinese investors are desperately trying to get out of the Yuan, and the People’s Bank of China is trying to defend the value of the Yuan. They are doing this by selling treasuries.”

       - Russell Clark, Horseman Global

Maduro Stunner: Venezuela Eliminates Half Its Paper Money After Pulling Largest Bill From Circulation

Maduro Stunner: Venezuela Eliminates Half Its Paper Money After Pulling Largest Bill From Circulation

Having observed the economic chaos to emerge as a result of India's shocking Nov. 8 demonetization announcement, and perhaps confident it can do better, today president Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela, Latin America's most distressed economy, mired in an economic crisis and facing hyperinflation, likewise shocked the nation when he announced on state TV that just like India, Venezuela would pull its highest denominated, 100-bolivar bill (which is worth about two U.S.

With 65% of ATMs Nonoperational, Goldman Warns India Is "Returning To Barter System"

With 65% of ATMs Nonoperational, Goldman Warns India Is "Returning To Barter System"

India continues to stagger from bad to worse followinhg Modi's demonetization. With just 35% of ATMs nationwide operational, Goldman warns the shortage of cash continues to incentivize the use of alternate payments, including extension of informal credit and a return to barter systems. Addtionally, the slowdown in activity is dramatically reflected in lower tax collections and discounts offered by luxury car companies.
