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50 Rhino Poachers Shot Dead After India Unleashes "Zero Tolerance" Conservation Policy

50 Rhino Poachers Shot Dead After India Unleashes "Zero Tolerance" Conservation Policy

Now this is a 'zero tolerance' policy!

As TheAntiMedia's James Holbrooks reports, to protect rhinos, this national park shoots poachers, and has killed over 50 so far.

“The instruction is whenever you see poachers or hunters, we should start our guns and hunt them.”


“You shoot them?”


“Yah, yah. Fully ordered to shoot them. Whenever you see the poachers or any people during night-time we are ordered to shoot them.”

India Bans Bill Gates Foundation Over Vaccine Fears

India has shut down the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation’s operations and kicked its management out of the country after grave concerns were raised about the non-government organization’s immunization policies and close ties to Big Pharma. India’s concerns reportedly centered around the Bill Gates foundation’s “ties” with pharmaceutical companies, and the influence this exerted on their vaccination policy.

Political Worries Keep Europe On Edge As Earnings Push Stocks Higher; US Futures Unchanged

Political Worries Keep Europe On Edge As Earnings Push Stocks Higher; US Futures Unchanged

In a mostly quiet Wednesday session, Asian stocks rose overnight along with European bourses, which were led higher by miners after Rio Tinto posted higher profits for the first time in three years and a bigger-than-expected dividend, while India’s Sensex extended declines after the central bank unexpectedly left rates unchanged. US futures were little changed as oil continued to fall after API reported a huge inventory build in the last week.

India Is Not The Next China

India Is Not The Next China

Submitted by Jayant Bhandari via,

Popular Narrative

India has been the world’s favorite country for the last three years. It is believed to have superseded China as the world’s fastest growing large economy. India is expected to grow at 7.5%. Compare that to the mere 6.3% growth that China has “fallen” to.


India’s quarterly annualized GDP growth rate since 2008, according to MOSPI (statistics ministry) – click to enlarge.


Why The World Needs To Watch The India-Pakistan Nuclear Standoff

Submitted by Michael Krepon via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Nuclear dangers are growing in five different regions. The least noticed is South Asia. New Delhi has not been able to figure out how to deal with militant groups that enjoy safe havens in Pakistan. So far, India’s options have been to do nothing after attacks or execute war plans that invite mushroom clouds. A third option, which involves commando raids, may now be coming into view.
