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How Insurance Companies Could Easily Replace Government

Via The Daily Bell

Government is a big insurance company. Except you can’t shop elsewhere for insurance. And their price is super high. And they threaten you if you don’t want to pay them. And the services they deliver are sub-par for the price. And you can’t itemize your “insurance” to only include the products you need. And often just when you need them most, you find out how incompetent, corrupt, and overall ineffective they are at ensuring you against anything.

Bill Gross: "All Markets Are Increasingly At Risk"

Bill Gross: "All Markets Are Increasingly At Risk"

Picking up where he left off last week, when Bill Gross told Bloomberg that U.S. markets are at their highest risk levels since before the 2008 financial crisis "because investors are paying a high price for the chances they’re taking", in his latest monthly investment outlook, the Janus Henderson bond manager says that investors should be wary as low interest rates, aging populations and global warming which inhibit real economic growth and intensify headwinds facing financial markets:

Gross: "Without QE From ECB And BOJ, The U.S. Economy Would Sink Into Recession"

Gross: "Without QE From ECB And BOJ, The U.S. Economy Would Sink Into Recession"

Back in November, when describing the perverse global fund flows in which record money creation out of the BOJ and ECB amounting to roughly $200 billion per month was being used indirectly, via spread differentials, to create demand for US Treasuries by foreign official and private investors - an observation first made by Deutsche Bank - we dubbed it "global helicopter money", and were surprised that "nobody has noticed" what is going on.

The World's Greatest Monetary Charlatan Is Nearly Out Of Tricks

The World's Greatest Monetary Charlatan Is Nearly Out Of Tricks

Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

Mario had a bee in his bonnet yesterday morning. Apparently, the chorus of German voices pointing to the obvious—- that his policies are killing savers, insurance companies, pension funds and banks—-got his dander up:

“We have a mandate to preserve price stability for the whole of the euro zone, not only for Germany,” he said. “We obey the law, not the politicians, because we are independent.”