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International Monetary Fund

In Stunning Reversal, IMF Blames Globalization For Spreading Inequality, Causing Market Crashes

In Stunning Reversal, IMF Blames Globalization For Spreading Inequality, Causing Market Crashes

In a stunning reversal for an organization that rests at the bedrock of the modern "neoliberal" (a term the IMF itself uses generously), aka capitalist system, overnight IMF authors Jonathan D. Ostry, Prakash Loungani, and Davide Furceri issued a research paper titled "Neoliberalism: Oversold?" whose theme is a stunning one: it accuses neoliberalism, and its immediate offshoot, globalization and "financial openness", for causing not only inequality, but also making capital markets unstable.

To wit:

Despite Depression, Greece Forced To Hike VAT, Add New Taxes

Despite Depression, Greece Forced To Hike VAT, Add New Taxes

Submitted by Michael Shedlock via,

Greece remains in an economic depression interrupted by a few quarters of anemic growth.

Hiking taxes in a depression is one of the stupidest thing one can do, but Greece is set for another vote to do just that.

Prime minister Alexis Tsipras is once again prepared to kiss German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s behind, and his party will likely go along for the ride.

Pure Troika Idiocy - The Greek Debt Slavery Regime Through 2059

Pure Troika Idiocy - The Greek Debt Slavery Regime Through 2059

Submitted by Michael Shedlock via,



Irreconcilable Positions

Greece owes the Troika over €11 billion in bailout repayments through the end of July. Greece is unable make those payments unless the Troika releases the funds.

Position 1: “We need a big debt restructuring, no more kicking the can,” says Greece’s Minister of State.
