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Kalamazoo Shooter: Mind Control Victim? ‘Uber App Controlled Me’

Were the horrific shootings by an Uber driver in Kalamazoo, Michigan this year the result of mind control via the popular Uber ride-sharing app? Those are the claims of Uber driver James Dalton, the suspected shooter who went on a rampage in February killing six and injuring many more. New reports released by the Kalamazoo Sheriff’s department read like something out of a science-fiction novel. Mind Control?

FBI Warn They Can Force Apple To Disclose iPhone Source Code

The FBI have threatened Apple with obtaining its source code to iPhone devices, if Apple to do not comply with their request to unlock the phone of one of the San Bernardino shooters.  The Department of Justice filed its defense to the ongoing San Bernardino case last week, increasing its pressure on Apple by saying the government will obtain the source code for the iOS, potentially allowing them to gain more access on proprietary apple software than originally planned. reports: The Department of Justice’s latest filing is best classified as vitriolic.

WhatsApp Strong Encryption Frustrates US Prosecutors

The Justice Department has opened another front in the war against secure encryption by going after WhatsApp. The DOJ is frustrated with the popular messaging app’s strong encryption and might go after its parent company, Facebook, in a case similar to Apple-iPhone Vs FBI. Ars Technica reports: According to a Saturday report in The New York Times, prosecutors have gone head-to-head with WhatsApp, the messaging app owned by Facebook.

Obama Wants Access To Digital Devices To Prevent Terrorism & Tax Cheats

President Barack Obama told a Texas audience that mobile devices should be built such a way that the government can access them in order to prevent terrorist attacks and as a means to enforce tax laws. Speaking during a Q&A session, Obama declined to comment specifically on the efforts by the FBI requiring Apple’s help in gaining data from an iPhone used in the December attack in San Bernardino.
