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Frontrunning: February 22

  • Futures sharply higher as oil extends gains (Reuters)
  • Global Stocks Gain on Rising Commodities Prices, China (WSJ)
  • Pound in freefall as Boris Johnson sparks Brexit fears (Telegraph)
  • Pound Slides Most Since 2009 as Johnson Backs ‘Brexit’ Campaign (BBG)
  • Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Seize Leads for Their Parties’ Nominations (WSJ)
  • Oil Glut Will Persist Into 2017 as IEA Sees Prices Capped (BBG)
  • Japanese Seeking a Place to Stash Cash Start Snapping Up Safes (WSJ)

FBI Told San Bernardino County To Tamper With Shooters Apple Account

The San Bernardino County government put out a tweet on Friday, saying that the FBI told their staff to reset the iCloud password of Syed Farook’s Apple account. Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, were implicated in the San Bernardino shootings of December 2015 in which 14 people lost their lives. If true, then it means that the FBI was not honest for its reasons for wanting backdoor access to Apple iPhones, by forcing the company to compromise its encryption security.

Freedom Isn't Free

Submitted by Simon Black via,

Years ago back in my days at the academy and in the military, I used to hear this phrase “freedom isn’t free” over and over again.

It was almost a sort of motto for a lot of military units– a self-motivating expression that freedom came at a price, and it was our solemn responsibility to pay that price.

It’s a true statement. Freedom is NOT free.

FBI Wins Lawsuit Forcing Apple To Install Spyware On iPhone Devices

The FBI have won a lawsuit that will force Apple to develop security software designed to override encryption security features embedded in the iPhone.  The court decision was arrived at utilizing an old antidemocratic law from the 18th century – allowing the government to expand its police-state powers of surveillance on American citizens.

Frontrunning: February 19

  • Stocks knocked back as oil rally falters (Reuters)
  • Still no deal for Britain on EU reforms after all-night talks (Reuters)
  • Oil Falls Near $30 as Rising U.S. Crude Stockpiles Expand Glut (BBG)
  • PBOC to Raise Reserve Ratios for Banks That Don't Meet Criteria (BBG)
  • China’s Top Securities Regulator to Step Down (WSJ)
  • Excessive loosening of China's monetary policy would increase yuan pressure (Reuters)
  • Tough road for Venezuela after dire data, inadequate measures (Reuters)
