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FBI Wins Lawsuit Forcing Apple To Install Spyware On iPhone Devices

The FBI have won a lawsuit that will force Apple to develop security software designed to override encryption security features embedded in the iPhone.  The court decision was arrived at utilizing an old antidemocratic law from the 18th century – allowing the government to expand its police-state powers of surveillance on American citizens. reports: The FBI and the Justice Department claim that the new software is necessary to enable federal investigators to search through an iPhone belonging to Syed Rizwan Farook, one of the attackers responsible for the mass shooting at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino. At stake, however, is far more than the data on Farook’s phone. The government wants broad authority to bypass encryption mechanisms on any communications that it is not presently able to monitor. US agents have been unable to access Farook’s phone as a result of Apple’s built-in “auto-erase” feature, which deletes the smartphone’s data after ten or more incorrect attempts to unlock it. The phone’s security features prevent the agency from employing its preferred method of “brute forcing” entry, i.e., trying every possible password. Judge Sheri Pym of the Federal District Court for the District of Central California ruled Tuesday that [...]