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Iran Is Ready For Confrontation With US -Military Commander

Iran is ready for a “decisive and difficult confrontation” with the US after Hillary Clinton threatened Tehran with military action. A top Iranian military official hit back at the US presidential candidate for her hawkish comments on Iran, stressing that Tehran is fully prepared for a tough, direct confrontation against the US. Press TV reports: Defining her hawkish foreign policy in a speech Thursday in San Diego, Clinton said the US could disarm Iran by military action if she became the president.

With The OPEC Meeting Now In Session, Here Are The Latest Updates

With the OPEC meeting having started a little under two hours ago, it appears that the premature optimism raised yesterday about yet another imminent production freeze deal may have been mostly hot air. Indeed, yesterday's bounceback in oil was driven by the various reports of a potential reintroduction of a ceiling on production after the previous ceiling was scrapped in December. The WSJ ran a story suggesting that the willingness is shared by Saudi Arabia as well as smaller producers in Nigeria, Qatar, Algeria and Venezuela.

Redneck NRA Musician Tells Iran’s Ayatollahs To Pray

A member of the National Rifle Association of America has made a chilling video calling out the Ayatollahs in Iran. In the video a cowboy country singer and NRA representative warns the Iranian spiritual leaders to pray to god that they never have to face the great redneck Satan. The NRA has published a number of videos making statements against the liberal elites, Hollywood celebrities and feckless politicians accusing them of wanting to take away their rights to bear Arms and defend the land of the free.
