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Clinton’s “Non-Intervention” Pandering

Michael Crowley reports on Hillary Clinton’s attempt to obscure her hawkish foreign policy record:

As she makes a closing pitch that emphasizes her foreign policy chops, Clinton tends to gloss over the more hawkish episodes from her past. Asked by an Iowa voter at Monday’s forum to place her interventionist instincts on a scale of 1 to 10, for instance, Clinton offered a long riff on her Iran and Gaza efforts.

Finally, Clinton came to the original frame of the question: “I want to make sure I stay as close as possible to non-intervention.”

Oil Prices In 2016 Will Be Determined By These 6 Factors

Oil Prices In 2016 Will Be Determined By These 6 Factors

Submitted by Allen Gilmer via,

The one given in this industry is that the analyst community is consistently wrong about where the price of oil is going in the near to mid-term. Just as $100 oil was a sentiment driven price that baked in the risk of every potential negative impact on the supply chain, $28, $30 or $40 dollars is equally sentimental, assuming that any and all incremental barrels are and will be available AND demand will slow or stop.

2013 and 2015 forecasts. (forecasting sentiment is hard) Image Sources: EIA

Russia, China, Iran Create Alternative ‘New World Order’

The political landscape of the world is rapidly changing thanks to the collaboration between Russia, China, and Iran who promise to create an alternative to the Western New World Order, according to journalist Carol Gould.  Gould and other experts say that the convergence of these countries signifies the emergence of a new global paradigm, or a new ‘New World Order’, out of the chaos and crisis currently engulfing the West. Fort Russ reports: “What happened this weekend with the signing of the 17 trade agreements (between Iran and China.

The Bernie & Hillary 'Group Think' Show - Cynics, Cowards, Or Populist Propagandists

Submitted by Robert Parry via,

A curious reality about Official Washington is that to have “credibility” you must accept the dominant “group thinks” whether they have any truth to them or not, a rule that applies to both the mainstream news media and the political world, even to people who deviate from the pack on other topics.

Iran, Saudi Arabia "Clash" Over Syria At "Secret", Closed-Door Meeting In Davos

Iran, Saudi Arabia "Clash" Over Syria At "Secret", Closed-Door Meeting In Davos

In case you might have missed it, Saudi Arabia and Iran are teetering on the edge of open war.

For years, the two regional powers have been engaged in at least three proxy wars across the Mid-East.

In Syria, the Quds and the IRGC have been fighting to bolster Bashar al-Assad’s depleted forces since at least 2012, while the Saudis and the other Gulf monarchies have lent assistance to the various Sunni rebel groups fighting to destabilize the government in Damascus.
