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Israel Says ISIS Is More Of An Ally Than Iran

Israel’s defence minister has stated that Iran is a bigger threat to Israel than ISIS, saying that Tehran’s nuclear ambitions and “terror infrastructure” make them Israel’s number one enemy. Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon told a conference in Tel Aviv that “Iran is our main enemy,” and faced with having to choose between Iran and ISIS in an open conflict, he would “prefer ISIS.” reports: The logic seems simple, as IS will be eventually be defeated, while Iran continues to pose a threat with its new rapprochement with the West.

Saudis Line Up Chinese Energy Deals As Competition For Asian Market Heats Up

On Tuesday evening we checked in on Xi Jinping as he makes his first visit to the Mid-East as President.

As we detailed extensively, the trip comes at a critical time for the region. Saudi Arabia and Iran are at each other’s throats following a series of unfortunate events that began with the execution of a prominent Shiite cleric and quickly escalated into an all-out diplomatic firestorm.

Now, the spat is on the verge of triggering a wider sectarian conflict that could further destabilize an already precarious security situation.
