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Hillary Clinton Hungry For New Iran Sanctions

Hillary Clinton has called for fresh new sanctions on Iran just hours after the U.S. announced it had dropped sanctions on Iran as part of the nuclear deal.  The Presidential candidate called for new sanctions due to the countries ballistic missile program, warning Americans that Iran is still violating UN rules. “Iran is still violating UN Security Council resolutions with its ballistic missile program, which should be met with new sanctions designations and firm resolve,” she said.

Iran Unleashes Oil Flood, Will Quintuple Crude Revenue In 2016

Iran Unleashes Oil Flood, Will Quintuple Crude Revenue In 2016

On Saturday, Iran marked what President Hassan Rouhani called a “golden page” in the country’s history when the IAEA ruled that Tehran had stuck to its commitments under last year’s nuclear accord.

Moments after the ruling was handed down, the US and the EU each lifted nuclear-related financial and economic sanctions on the “pariah state,” much to the chagrin of Israel and Tehran’s regional rivals who view the West’s rapprochement with the Iranians with deep suspicion.

Iran To Buy A Fleet Of Airbus Passenger Planes

Awaiting the lifting of international sanctions, Iran is to buy 114 passenger planes from the European aircraft maker Airbus, according to its transport minister. Yahoo News reports: “We have taken the first step in agreeing with Airbus to buy 114 planes,” Abbas Akhoondi was quoted as saying by the Tasnim news agency. Airbus said it was not engaging in commercial talks with Iran until sanctions had been lifted.

International Sanctions Against Iran Have Been Lifted

International sanctions against Iran have been lifted following news from the UN nuclear watchdog that the Islamic Republic has complied with its nuclear promises. The BBC reports: The EU foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, announced the lifting of sanctions in accordance with the deal “as Iran has fulfilled its commitment”. The international nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, said its inspectors had verified that Iran had taken the required steps. A deal between Iran and world powers was agreed last July.

Iran Emerges From Isolation, Sanctions To Be Lifted

The UN is set to announce the lifting of sanctions on Iran today after Tehran scaled back its nuclear programme. The International sanctions had suffocated Iran’s ability to trade with the west, and was put in place to force anti-western Iran to negotiate on its nuclear programme. The lifting of the sanctions will be marked as a great achievement for U.S. President Barrack Obama and Secretary of State, John Kerry as well as their European partners.
