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The Billionaire Bears Club

The Billionaire Bears Club

Authored by Kevin Muir via The Macro Tourist blog,

I don’t regularly watch CNBC, but last week while on vacation, I turned on the Sirius XM radio and was instantly assaulted with Jim Cramer’s shrieking. I was about to turn the channel when he shouted how the “billionaire bears” might finally be catching a break with the stock market downdraft.

I have to give Cramer credit, that’s a good line to describe the growing cohort of negative investment legends. Wondering if Jim came up with it on his own, I googled it.

Our State-Corporate Plantation Economy

Our State-Corporate Plantation Economy

Authored by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

We've been persuaded that the state-cartel Plantation Economy is "capitalist," but it isn't. It's a rentier skimming machine.

I have often discussed the manner in which the U.S. economy is a Plantation Economy, meaning it has a built-in financial hierarchy with corporations at the top dominating a vast populace of debt-serfs/ wage slaves with little functional freedom to escape the system's neofeudal bonds.
