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NYT's Nick Kristof Urges IRS Employees To Illegally Leak Trump's Tax Return

On Sunday evening, the New York Times' columnist Nicholas Kristoff urged IRS employees Sunday to break the law, and leak Donald Trump’s tax returns to his publication: “If you’re in IRS and have a certain president’s tax return that you’d like to leak, my address is: NYT, 620 Eighth Ave, NY NY 10018,” Nicholas Kristof wrote on Twitter.

It Is Now Your Responsibility To Enforce The Government's Laws

As Simon Black points out in his latest weekly intelligence commentary, it is now YOUR responsibility to enforce the government's laws.

What happened:

Are you an expert at identifying forged documents, and fake IDs? How about investigating immigration history?  If not, you may want to think twice before becoming a landlord, investing in real estate, or opening a homeless shelter.

According to Texas law, upheld by a Federal Appeals Court, you could be held legally liable for “harboring” an illegal immigrant. 

FBI Director Asked DOJ To Publicly Reject Trump Wiretapping Claims

In the latest dramatic plot twist to emerge from Trump's accusation that Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower prior to the election, the NYT reports that FBI director James Comey asked the Justice Department this weekend to publicly reject President Trump’s allegation that Obama eavesdropped on the soon-to-be president. According to the NYT, which cites 'senior American officials' Comey has argued that the "highly charged claim" is false and must be corrected as there is no evidence to back them up, but the DOJ has not yet released any such statement.

Bombshell: FBI Twice Refused To Wiretap Trump, So Obama Went Around Them

Bombshell: FBI Twice Refused To Wiretap Trump, So Obama Went Around Them

Former President Barack Obama failed on two occasions to get a warrant to wiretap Donald Trump due to a “lack of evidence”, resulting in The White House circumventing the FBI and federal courts.   Legal experts have warned that the consequences of Obama using the powers of the NSA, CIA and FBI to spy on his political opponents could now result in his prosecution.
