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Hacker Who Tried Exposing Clinton Foundation’s Ties To ISIS Faces Jail

A hacker who attempted to expose the link between the Clinton Foundation and ISIS is now facing a 42-year prison sentence.  Timothy Sedlak delved into the Clinton Foundation computers in an attempt to publicly disclose evidence that the Foundation is guilty of providing support to terrorist networks such as ISIS in the Middle East. WikiLeaks released evidence in 2016 that proved Hillary knew that two of her mega-donors – Qatar and Saudi Arabia – were pouring money into ISIS.

Parliament Considers ‘Hate Crimes Register’ – Stopping Guilty People Getting Jobs

Parliament is considering implementing a ‘hate crimes register’ that will prevent people on it from being able to get jobs in the UK. Head of Durham University Law School, Professor Thom Brooks, told a Commons inquiry that he condones the introduction of a ‘hate crimes’ register which would be similar to a sex offenders register, that will severely restrict the type of jobs people are allowed to do.

British Police Are Not Taking Child Sex Abuse Seriously -Report

Children who report violent and sexual crimes are not being taken seriously by UK police according to Britain’s victims’ commissioner Baroness Newlove warned that authorities are failing young people who come forward with stories of violent or sexual abuse making them feel like criminals themselves. In a review due to be published on Wednesday she found children and teenagers were made to feel like criminals themselves, accused of wasting police time or simply not believed.
