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FBI Arrests Volkswagen Exec Charged With Conspiracy To Defraud The US

While various other carmakers, such as GM, Ford, Fiat and Toyota, have had their share of headaches in recent weeks worried if and when Trump will tweet about them next, the epicenter of all car scandals over the past two years remains Volkswagen, and sadly for the German carmaker things continue to get worse: according to the NYT, the FBI haed arrested a Volkswagen executive on charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States. 

No Charges For Delaware Police Shooting Man In Wheelchair

The Delaware police officers involved in the fatal shooting of a wounded wheelchair-bound man will not face any civil rights charges. Handicapped African-American man Jeremy McDole was literally shot out of his wheelchair and killed during a fatal encounter with four police corporals of the Wilmington Police Department in September 2015. Federal prosecutors say no civil rights violations occurred.

Florida Shooter Charged, Could Face Death Penalty; Had Gun Returned After Found Mentally Stable

Federal prosecutors filed court documents on Saturday charging Ft. Lauderdale airport shooting suspect Esteban Santiago with carrying out an act of violence at an international airport resulting in death - a charge which carries a maximum punishment of the death penalty. The 26-year-old Iraq war veteran, who claimed he was "mind-controlled" by a US intelligence agency, was also charged with two firearms offenses. He is accused of killing five people and wounding six others on Friday when he opened fire at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International baggage claim. 

JPMorgan Found Guilty Of Corruption, Fined $264 Million

China has found JPMorgan Chase guilty of corruption and fined the financial institution a staggering $264 million. By demanding that bankers be subject to the same laws as the rest of society, China is opting for a very different strategy to Europe and the US, where banks are only ever fined nominal amounts, and directors and chief executives escape punishment altogether. AnonHQ report: We all know that the 2008 financial crisis was a result of the recklessness of the big banks, especially those in the United States.

Fort Lauderdale Gunman Was Recruited By CIA To Join ISIS

Fort Lauderdale gunman Esteban Santiago has revealed that the CIA had recruited him prior to the attacks and urged him to join ISIS.  The 26-year-old veteran also claims the CIA made him hear voices in order to attempt to control his mind – all part of a bigger plot to force him to join the terror organisation. reports: A law enforcement official says he told the FBI that the government was controlling his mind and was forcing him to watch ISIS videos. Santiago appeared incoherent at times, a source told ABC News.
