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Trump Declares War On Bush-Rubio Cocaine Operation

Russian intelligence agencies have said that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has decided to wage a war on the Rubio-Bush cocaine operation, accusing them of running a “cocaine empire” headed by Florida governor Jeb Bush aided by his right-hand man US Senator Marco Rubio.  The cocaine operation has been targeted for destruction by Trump’s ‘freemasonic forces’ after being allowed to run for 30-years without impunity.

Murder? New Evidence Shows Clinton Attorney With ‘Bullet Hole’ In Neck

Newly discovered evidence has been uncovered in the National Archives that suggest Deputy White House attorney Vincent Foster may have been murdered while working for the Clinton family.  23 years ago Foster was found dead in Virginia park after being discovered with a fatal gunshot wound in his head in Fort Marcy park in 1993. Both investigations into his death concluded that Foster had committed suicide. Now, new evidence suggests that Foster had an additional gunshot wound to his neck.

Young Girl Faces Criminal Charges For Using Emojis

A 12-year-old girl faces criminal charges for posting a message with emojis of a🔫, 🔪, 💣 and a 👮. The schoolgirl from Fairfax Virginia is accused of “threatening her school.” Business Insider UK reports: The 12-year-old from Fairfax, Va., has been charged with threatening her school after police said she posted a message on Instagram in December laden with gun, bomb and knife emojis.
