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The NYPD Want Apple To Unlock ALL iPhone Devices

The NYPD have weighed in on the current privacy debate between the FBI and apple, requesting that every iPhone currently subject to a court-ordered search be unlocked. The police department have made it clear that once the San Bernardino perpetrator’s phone is broken into by the FBI, they want to make the hacking of mobile phones a routine occurrence within law enforcement. That would essentially mean that every iPhone entered into evidence in court could be forced open by authorities, via a piece of software that Apple would be forced to create.

Filming Cops Is Now Illegal, Appeals Court Rules

A federal appeals court in Pennsylvania has ruled that filming cops is illegal, and can lead to arrest.  The cases of Fields v. City of Philadelphia, and Geraci v. City of Philadelphia involve two historic incidents where citizens were arrested for filming the police. reports: Richard Fields, a Temple University student, was arrested after stopping to take a picture of a large group of police outside a house party.

O.J. Simpson Innocent: Did He Conspire To Cover-up Real Murderer?

A private investigator has claimed that O.J. Simpson is innocent, saying that he has conclusive proof that O.J. didn’t kill his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson or his friend Ron Goldman in 1994. William C. Dear says O.J. did visit the crime scene shortly before being arrested in order to cover-up evidence that would have implicated the real murderer – his son Jason. In his book, “O.J. Is Innocent And I Can Prove It,” Dear says that Jason (who was just 24 at the time) killed his own mother and her boyfriend in a rage killing.

Turkish Man Sues Own Wife For "Cursing At Erdogan": "I Kept On Warning Her"

Turkish Man Sues Own Wife For "Cursing At Erdogan": "I Kept On Warning Her"

Back in December, CHP lawmaker Eren Erdem discovered that it’s not a particularly good idea to accuse President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of supplying Sarin gas to terrorists.

Following accusations Erden made in an interview with RT, the Ankara Chief Prosecutor’s Office opened an investigation into the deputy for “treason.”
