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O.J. Simpson Innocent: Did He Conspire To Cover-up Real Murderer?

A private investigator has claimed that O.J. Simpson is innocent, saying that he has conclusive proof that O.J. didn’t kill his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson or his friend Ron Goldman in 1994. William C. Dear says O.J. did visit the crime scene shortly before being arrested in order to cover-up evidence that would have implicated the real murderer – his son Jason. In his book, “O.J. Is Innocent And I Can Prove It,” Dear says that Jason (who was just 24 at the time) killed his own mother and her boyfriend in a rage killing.

Turkish Man Sues Own Wife For "Cursing At Erdogan": "I Kept On Warning Her"

Turkish Man Sues Own Wife For "Cursing At Erdogan": "I Kept On Warning Her"

Back in December, CHP lawmaker Eren Erdem discovered that it’s not a particularly good idea to accuse President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of supplying Sarin gas to terrorists.

Following accusations Erden made in an interview with RT, the Ankara Chief Prosecutor’s Office opened an investigation into the deputy for “treason.”

Johnson & Johnson Ordered To Pay $72m For Talc Cancer Death

A US jury in the state of Missouri has ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $72m (£51m) in damages to the family of a woman who claimed her death was linked to use of the company’s baby talcum powder. Jackie Fox from Birmingham, Alabama died of ovarian cancer last year at the age of 62, having used J&J’s talc and Shower to Shower feminine hygiene products for decades. This is the first verdict in a string of allegations over cancer risks related to talc-based products.  About 1,000 cases have been filed in Missouri state court, and another 200 in New Jersey.

Swedish Doctor Gets 10 Yrs For Abducting Woman & Locking Her In Bunker

A Swedish doctor has been jailed for 10 years for kidnapping a woman and locking her up in a home-made bunker. The 38-year-old physician was planning to keep the woman as his girlfriend. According to the prosecution, Martin Trenneborg had spent several years designing and building a soundproof bunker. He methodically planned and executed the kidnapping and was only caught when he went to visit his victim’s apartment.   Deutsche Welle reports: The doctor met the woman in September for a date in Stockholm, when he drugged her with chocolate covered strawberries spiked with a sedative.

The American Criminal Justice System Is The Epitome Of Total Evil

An Innocent Man Kept In Solidary Confinement For 43 Years Finally Released By Judicial Ruling

The story of Albert Woodfox proves beyond all doubt that the American criminal justice system (sic) is totally devoid of all justice, all integrity, and all humanity.

Judge James Dennis of the Federal Fifth Circuit Appeals Court stated: “For the vast majority of his life, Woodfox has spent nearly every waking hour in a cramped cell in crushing solitude without a valid conviction.”
