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The American Criminal Justice System Is The Epitome Of Total Evil

An Innocent Man Kept In Solidary Confinement For 43 Years Finally Released By Judicial Ruling

The story of Albert Woodfox proves beyond all doubt that the American criminal justice system (sic) is totally devoid of all justice, all integrity, and all humanity.

Judge James Dennis of the Federal Fifth Circuit Appeals Court stated: “For the vast majority of his life, Woodfox has spent nearly every waking hour in a cramped cell in crushing solitude without a valid conviction.”

Photo Shows Bernie Sanders Getting Arrested By The Establishment In 1963

Democratic presidential nominee Bernie Sanders has been fighting for justice for over half a century, standing up to the establishment and fighting against segregation – he even got arrested for standing up for what he believes.   Bernie was once nabbed by the police while protesting the treatment of his fellow human beings over 50-years-ago when he was barely old enough to legally have an alcoholic drink.

Thousands Evacuated In Moscow Over Terror Threat

Over 10,000 people were evacuated from several department stores in Moscow on Thursday due to a bomb threat, according to law enforcement agencies.  Police evacuated thousands of people from the GUM and TsUM department stores located in central Moscow. reports: According to law enforcement, people are evacuated from the GUM and TsUM department stores located in central Moscow, the Gagarinsky and Kuntsevo Plaza shopping malls, and all nine Auchan hypermarkets. In some stores the evacuation has been completed, and in some others it continues.

Guest Post: Abolish The Supreme Court

Submitted by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

The current frenzy over the vacancy on the Supreme Court in the wake of Scalia’s death should be enough to make it clear to even the most naïve observer that the Supreme Court is a partisan and political institution, and nothing like the group of disinterested non-political sages that we are supposed to believe the court to be. As I wrote in “The Mythology of the Supreme Court,” the idea of the court as a group of jurisprudential deep thinkers is a tale for little school children:

Homicide Commander Says Scalia Death Is “Fishy” Amid Murder Rumors

A former homicide commander from Washington, DC has said that something “fishy” is going on surrounding the death of US Supreme Justice Antonin Scalia.  Conspiracy theories about the murder of Scalia have gone viral after it emerged the judge had been found dead in his home with a pillow covering his face, with some claiming President Obama to be responsible for his death. William O. Richie, a former head of criminal investigations in the capital’s police department, has raised serious questions in the unusual way authorities handled the 79-year-old’s death over the weekend.
