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Libyan Slave Markets Create Diplomatic Storm In Africa, UN Security Council To Meet

Libyan Slave Markets Create Diplomatic Storm In Africa, UN Security Council To Meet

Anti-slavery protests continued across various world capitals this week, especially in countries across Africa, after earlier protests in France got violent when police used tear gas and other riot control tactics on a crowed of more than one thousand outside of the Libyan embassy in Paris. The protests are in response to last week's widespread reports of slave markets operating in various cities across Libya, and look to continue as according to Reuters a major rally is set to take place in London later this week. 

Libya's Slave Auctions And African Genocide: What Hillary Knew

Libya's Slave Auctions And African Genocide: What Hillary Knew

A new CNN investigation has uncovered a network of slave markets operating in warehouses in various cities across Libya six years after NATO-led intervention in the country toppled the government of Muammar Gaddafi in support of US and UK backed rebels. And not only did CNN confirm the presence of slave auctions where human beings are being sold for as little as $400 in "liberated" Libya, but CNN's crew was actually able to film a live auction in progress, while also gathering the testimonies of multiple victims.

US Special Forces Capture Militant Who Was Instrumental In 2012 Benghazi Attack

US Special Forces Capture Militant Who Was Instrumental In 2012 Benghazi Attack

For all the talk about Paul Manafort's indictiment, one can't help but feel that there is a distinct undercurrent amid today's newsflow focusing on Hillary Clinton: from the resignation of one of the most powerful Democrats, Tony Podesta, who earlier today parted ways with the lobbying firm he founded after it became ensnared in the Mueller probe (and who is also brother of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta) to the sudden reemergence of the Benghazi attack narrative, one wonders if Trump is not preparing to launch a broadside attack on his former presidential challenger.
