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ICE Chief Says He Has "No Choice" But To Enforce Immigration Laws In California

ICE Chief Says He Has "No Choice" But To Enforce Immigration Laws In California

President Donald Trump has made it known that he will not tolerate liberal cities like New York and Los Angeles openly stymying federal authorities’ efforts to arrest illegal immigrants. Since taking office, he has threatened to slash federal funding while ICE has circumvented local authorities to arrest undocumented immigrants during enforcement blitzes like September’s “Operation Safe City.”

How Rich Chinese Use Visa Fixers To Move To The U.S.

How Rich Chinese Use Visa Fixers To Move To The U.S.

Authored by Peter Robison, Karen Weise, Wenxin Fan, and Yan Zhang via,

Have a spare $500,000 to invest in an economically distressed American area (that actually isn’t distressed at all)? China’s EB-5 fixers will help you every step of the way...

One summer Saturday in 2013, Vivian Ding took the stage in the grand ballroom of Shanghai’s Shangri-La Hotel to hold forth on a subject in which she was both an expert and an inspiration: emigrating to the U.S.

Dramatic Photos Of Record-Setting Wildfire Above Downtown Los Angeles

Dramatic Photos Of Record-Setting Wildfire Above Downtown Los Angeles

On Sunday California Governor Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency for Los Angeles County as the La Tuna wildfire encroached on L.A. and burned eerily on the skyline just north of downtown, keeping nervous residents on the alert as homes and business were threatened. What is now being reported as the largest brush fire in Los Angeles history began in Burbank on Friday, but the cause is still under investigation.
