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mainstream media

MSNBC: Trump’s Comments Could “Literally” Trigger Nuclear War

The mainstream media is busy ushering the entire nation back into the Cold War, blithely discussing nuclear weapons and launch codes like it’s about to be 1957 instead of 2017. By Melissa Dykes MSNBC host Chris Hayes kicked the fear porn up a notch recently, saying, “Trump’s comments about nuclear weapons have experts worried he could literally inadvertently trigger a catastrophe.” “Literally”? His guest, Esquire writer Charlie Pierce, went on to say: We have what, I think the total is 7100, individual nuclear war heads. I don’t even want to know what the destructive capabilities there.

Mainstream Media Is Now Whining About The "Fake News" Hysteria It Created

Mainstream Media Is Now Whining About The "Fake News" Hysteria It Created

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

After coming under attack, the alternative media successfully appropriated and reassigned the now ubiquitous term “fake news” to a variety of disingenuous mainstream media outlets. The corporate media is not too happy about this, and it’s doing what it does best (aside from cheerleading for war); it’s whining about it to its readers.

5 Arrested For Creating Fake News About Syria

Five people have been arrested in Egypt for making a fake news video that purports to show carnage caused by Russian air strikes in Syria, according to the Egyptian Interior Ministry. The fake video was intended for Western audiences and closely resembles many of the videos from Aleppo that have gone viral on social media and been featured by unquestioning mainstream media in recent weeks. In the fake video, actually filmed in Egypt using Egyptian child actors, an eight-year-old girl wears a white dress and bandages covered in red stains, and holds a teddy bear.

71% Of Americans Don't Believe Russia Was Responsible For Election-Related Hacks

71% Of Americans Don't Believe Russia Was Responsible For Election-Related Hacks

The mainstream media has orchestrating a month-long propaganda blitz to convince the American people that "Russian hackers," led by Vladimir Putin, stole the election from Hillary Clinton.  They endlessly quoted "anonymous sources" from inside the CIA, while never actually presenting a single shred of tangible evidence, to advance their narrative.
