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Middle East

Mike Pence Forced To Cancel Bethlehem Visit As Palestinian Christians Protest

Mike Pence Forced To Cancel Bethlehem Visit As Palestinian Christians Protest

This week a number of stories have come out highlighting the general perspective of Palestinian Christians in the context of President Trump's controversial recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Some of these headlines include, "Nazareth cancels some Christmas festivities over Trump recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital" or "Mike Pence to face bitter reception from Palestinian Christians as he visits the Middle East" or further, "Palestinian Christians: Jerusalem is for the three religions".

Trump, Netanyahu, & Bin Salman: Destroyers Of The Neoliberal World Order

Trump, Netanyahu, & Bin Salman: Destroyers Of The Neoliberal World Order

Authored by Federico Pieraccini via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

The neoliberal world order has been in crisis for some years now, with no signs of recovery. Trump's victory is an expression of a breach of trust between the American people and the national elites.

The perfect storm. This is what the situation in the Middle East looks like. More and more events in the region seem to be leading towards an epochal change in the delicate balance of power.

Cyberattacks: The Biggest Threat To OPEC

Cyberattacks: The Biggest Threat To OPEC

Authored by Irina Slav via,

Oil and cybersecurity in one sentence certainly makes for a thrilling read, and there will be an increasing amount of information on the topic as the Internet of Things expands and the global oil industry adopts automation and digital technology.

OPEC is no exception in this digitalization drive, but unlike its non-OPEC counterparts, the cartel has emerged as much more vulnerable to cybersecurity threats.

Expect Desperate, Insane Behavior From Government In 2018 - Part 3

Expect Desperate, Insane Behavior From Government In 2018 - Part 3

Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

In the first two installments of this series, I discussed the potential for the U.S. federal government to make some spectacularly foolish moves against its own people in the realms of cannabis and Bitcoin.

My basic assumption is that government tends to despise freedom, and that “leaders” of an empire in decline like the U.S. are particularly vulnerable to very bad decisions.
