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North America

Monkeys Crossed The Ocean 21 Million Years Ago To Reach North America

Monkeys accomplished a monumental task of migration eons before the two American continents joined together 3.5 million years ago. Scientists believe that monkey mariners resembling today’s capuchins crossed a hundred miles of open ocean some 21 million years ago to get from South America to North America.  Japan Times reports: Scientists said on Wednesday they reached that conclusion based on the discovery of seven little teeth during excavations involving the Panama Canal’s expansion, showing monkeys had reached the North American continent far earlier than previously known.

US Cops Bulk Up On Military Gear In Preparation For Mass Civil Unrest

The U.S. government are gearing up for potential mass civil unrest across the United States by purchasing military-style riot gear for police departments across the country.  According to Sandler Research, the demand for surveillance drones and riot gear to “handle large crowds and demonstrations (protests)” has risen significantly.

A Drone Flies Through A Rotting, Abandoned $17.5 Million Vancouver Mansion; This Is What It Saw

Over the past several months we have repeatedly noted a recurring peculiarity of the Vancouver housing bubble: there are numerous multi-million dollar mansions, which rot, abandoned, their owners having long ago disappeared.

Two months ago, we first postulated the hypothetical timeline that starts with the purchase of a Vancouver mansion

If Gold Is Dead Money, What Does That Make Fiat?

If Gold Is Dead Money, What Does That Make Fiat?




If Gold Is Dead Money, What Does That Make Fiat?

Written by Nathan McDonald (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)







NIRP (Negative Interest Rate Policy) is an often shocking term, and has been the woe of many in retirement. It is a plague that European policy makers have unleashed on many of their citizens, and it very well could be coming to North America before you know it.

