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Monsanto’s Big Secret: GMO Insect Planned To Replace Honey Bee

Don’t worry, Monsanto is coming to the rescue! When it comes to human food crops, 70 out of the main 100 are pollinated by bees. In the last 60+ years, honey bee populations have declined 90% from 3.2 million hives to 2.4 million. Monsanto is now working on a way to solve this crisis…. According to Beekepers in Western countries have been reporting slow declines of stocks due to impaired protein production, changes in agricultural practice, or unpredictable weather.

Yesterday's Dystopian Fiction Is Today's New World Order

Submitted by 'Jeremiah Johnson', retired Green Beret, via,

Many of the things that are happening this very moment have direct parallels in literature of the past.  Whether it is an account such as the “Gulag Archipelago” by Solzhenitsyn or a work of “fiction” such as “1984” by George Orwell is irrelevant.  Elements of the history or the storyline (regarding the former and the latter works) are now becoming thoroughly inculcated into the fabric of modern reality.
