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North America

A Drone Flies Through A Rotting, Abandoned $17.5 Million Vancouver Mansion; This Is What It Saw

Over the past several months we have repeatedly noted a recurring peculiarity of the Vancouver housing bubble: there are numerous multi-million dollar mansions, which rot, abandoned, their owners having long ago disappeared.

Two months ago, we first postulated the hypothetical timeline that starts with the purchase of a Vancouver mansion

If Gold Is Dead Money, What Does That Make Fiat?

If Gold Is Dead Money, What Does That Make Fiat?




If Gold Is Dead Money, What Does That Make Fiat?

Written by Nathan McDonald (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)







NIRP (Negative Interest Rate Policy) is an often shocking term, and has been the woe of many in retirement. It is a plague that European policy makers have unleashed on many of their citizens, and it very well could be coming to North America before you know it.


The Great Glut: Why LNG Markets Might Not Balance Before 2025

The Great Glut: Why LNG Markets Might Not Balance Before 2025

Submitted by Wim de Vriend via,

The LNG Glut and the Golden Age of Gas, Part 1

‘Where are all the LNG postponements?’ was the puzzled, plaintive warning heard from Oil & Gas experts Wood Mackenzie last September. Besides the new Australian and American terminals preparing to ship out well over 100 Mtpa (Million tones per annum), of LNG, a second wave that size was making its way through the permitting process.

"My Daddy’s Rich And My Lamborghini’s Good-Looking": Meet The Rich Chinese Kids Of Vancouver

By now, the only people in the world who are not aware that Vancouver has been overrun by Chinese "hot money-parking" oligarchs, who rush to buy any and every available real estate leading to such grotesque charts as the following showing the ridiculous surge in Vancouver real estate prices...
