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North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Washington Refines Its False Flag Operations — Paul Craig Roberts

Washington Refines Its False Flag Operations

Paul Craig Roberts

Washington and its French vassal have refined how they conduct their false flag operations. With the Charlie Hebdo operation, they knew to immediately set the story in stone in order to avoid any questions from the print and TV media and in order to use the set story to take the place of an investigation.

Profile of a False Flag by Stephen Lendman

In the article below Stephen Lendman shows that the Paris attacks have the signature of a false flag attack. Another reason for the attack could be to force US and NATO involvement upon the Russian action against ISIL in order to crowd out Russia and overthrow Assad under the pretext of punishing ISIL for the Paris attacks.

Profile of a False Flag

by Stephen Lendman

Evidence known so far strongly indicates false flag responsibility for Friday’s Paris attacks. They’re usually identifiable the way fingerprints ID people.
