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North Korea

Russia Increases Economic Support For North Korea As China Backs Away

Russia Increases Economic Support For North Korea As China Backs Away

Over the past two months, China, North Korea’s economic benefactor and formally the source of 90% of its foreign trade, has been withdrawing financial support, ostensibly under the auspices of US sanctions, as Communist Party leaders try to rein in the North’s nuclear program to appease the US and prevent a potentially destabilizing conflict on its border – a development that would be particularly unwelcome during the Communist Party’s upcoming national congress.

Russia Provides New Internet Connection To North Korea

Russia Provides New Internet Connection To North Korea

Authored by Martyn Williams via,

A major Russian telecommunications company appears to have begun providing an Internet connection to North Korea. The new link supplements one from China and will provide back-up to Pyongyang at a time the US government is reportedly attacking its Internet infrastructure and pressuring China to end all business with North Korea.

North Korean Ship Carrying 30,000 Rocket Launchers Seized By Egypt

North Korean Ship Carrying 30,000 Rocket Launchers Seized By Egypt

In a fascinating report that provides a glimpse into the shadowy North Korean black-market economy, the Washington Post has published a story about a 2016 incident in which Egyptian authorities intercepted a North Korean ship bearing a Cambodian flag after being alerted by US authorities. After searching the ship, Egyptian law enforcement discovered something unexpected: a trove of nearly 24,000 rocket launchers, and components for 6,000 more weapons, hidden below a large pile of loose iron ore.

Rickards On "The Fragility Of The North Korean Nuclear Showdown"

Rickards On "The Fragility Of The North Korean Nuclear Showdown"

Amid today's contradictory statements from President Trump that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson "is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man... Save your energy Rex, we'll do what has to be done!" and The State Department's statement that "The White House is still committed to a diplomatic approach" on North Korea, it appears the fragility of the North Korean nuclear showdown is a great as ever.
