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North Korea

Two B-1B Bombers Hold Live-Fire Drills Over Korean Peninsula, Show Off US "Attack Capabilities"

Two B-1B Bombers Hold Live-Fire Drills Over Korean Peninsula, Show Off US "Attack Capabilities"

The US sent two B-1B Lancer strategic bombers from Guam's Andersen Air Force Base base to the Korean Peninsula, to practice “attack capabilities” with South Korean jet fighters and hold live-fire drills on Saturday, Yonhap News reported, the latest show of force by the US military after North Korea’s first-ever ICBM test launch on July 4. The pair of US bombers flew conducted a simulated destruction of an enemy ballistic missile launcher and underground facilities, the South's air force said, sending a strong hint to its northern neighbor.

Dilbert Creator Suggests Novel Solution To The North Korea Situation

Via Dilber Creator Scott Adams' blog,

I have some spare time this morning so I thought I would solve the North Korean nuclear threat problem.

The current frame on how all sides are approaching the problem is a win-lose setup. Either North Korea wins – and develops nukes that can reach the mainland USA – or the United States wins, and North Korea abandons its nuclear plans, loses face, loses leverage, and loses security. Our current framing of the situation doesn’t have a path to success. 

A North Korean EMP Attack: The Dark Possibility

Authored by Shannara Johnson via,

As the tension between North Korea and the US continues to grow, the possibility of war is rapidly evolving into a probability. Now some military experts worry that an attack via EMP (electromagnetic pulse) on the US mainland might be a feasible option for Pyongyang.

The signs are certainly there: Having recently completed the ninth missile test of 2017, Kim Jong-un promised to send the US an even bigger “gift package.”

General Warns U.S. Is Prepared For War In North Korea: "Self-Restraint Is A Choice"

General Warns U.S. Is Prepared For War In North Korea: "Self-Restraint Is A Choice"

Following North Korea's latest provocation, the launch of an ICBM that, for the first time, demonstrated North Korea's ability to strike the continental United States, General Vincent Brooks, Commander of Combined Forces Command and General Lee, Sun Jin, Chairman of the Republic of Korea Joint Chiefs of Staff, made a rather forceful combined statement directly warning North Korea they're prepared for war at any time.

Russia, China Rule Out Military Action In North Korea, US Responds "Will Go Its Own Path" If Needed

Russia's deputy U.N. envoy on Wednesday said military force should not be considered against North Korea and also called for a halt to the deployment of a U.S. missile defense system in South Korea. "The possibility of taking military measures to resolve the problems of the Korean peninsula should be excluded," said Deputy Russian U.N. Ambassador Vladimir Safronkov. "We express our support to the idea of North and South Korea engaging in dialogue and consultations."
