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North Korea

China Suspends Fuel Sales To North Korea

It appears President Trump's remarks about the lack of progress made by China in pressuring North Korea has worked. Reuters reports that CNPC - the main supplier of diesel and gasoline to North Korea - has halted sales, reportedly because the buyers could not pay.

A week after the President said that "while I greatly appreciate the efforts of President Xi & China to help with North Korea, it has not worked out. At least I know China tried!"

America Is On Its Way To Divorce Court

Authored by Marc Thiessen via,

There is a place for contempt in our public discourse.

We should have contempt for a regime in North Korea that brutalized a young American student named Otto Warmbier. We should have contempt for a regime in Syria that uses poison gas to massacre innocent men, women and children. We should have contempt for Islamic State terrorists who behead Americans, burn people alive in cages and systematically rape Yazidi girls.

But we should not have contempt for each other.

China Responds To Trump's North Korea Tweet

China Responds To Trump's North Korea Tweet

Following President Trump's somewhat ominous 'thanks for nothing in North Korea' tweet last night, somewhat ominously, last night...

Perhaps suggesting: first that his 'good friend' Xi was not much help after all; and second, he will act unilaterally.

In Major Diplomatic Shift, North Korea Open To Halting Nuclear, Missile Tests

Is Trump about to have his biggest diplomatic victory yet?

According to Yonhap, North Korea's top envoy to India on Wednesday offered a conditional moratorium, i.e. halt, on his country's nuclear and missile tests in what was said to be an "apparent bid to hold talks with the United States." While the North Korean offer is conditional, its "demands" are hardly outrageous.

Trump's Ominous Tweet: "China's Help With North Korea Has Not Worked Out. At Least It Tried"

In what appears to be a rather ominous tweet posted moments ago by Donald Trump, the President said that "while I greatly appreciate the efforts of President Xi & China to help with North Korea, it has not worked out. At least I know China tried!"
