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Obama administration

Forgotten Interview Reveals How Russia Really Views Obama's Legacy

Forgotten Interview Reveals How Russia Really Views Obama's Legacy

Authored by Darius Shatahmasebi via,

An overlooked interview of Maria Zakharova with Russia’s 1 TV Channel, Russia’s Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, on a national Russian TV show has brought insight into the frustration Russia encountered in dealing with the Obama administration over the years. Zakharova suggested President Barack Obama will go down in history as one of America’s evilest presidents.

Judge Nap: Obama Used British Spy Agency To Spy On Trump

Judge Nap: Obama Used British Spy Agency To Spy On Trump

Judge Nap has accused the Obama administration of going outside the chain of command, seeking help from Britain’s GCHQ to wiretap Donald Trump.  Judge Andrew Napolitano told Fox News that former President Barack Obama used the British spy agency to bypass the normal checks and balances with the NSA and CIA in order to obtain transcripts of telephone conversations with Trump. According to Judge Nap, Congress may never be able to prove that Obama tapped Trump’s phone due to the fact that he bypassed the U.S. spy agencies, thus leaving no paper trail of his crimes.

Crashing "Post-Obama Era" Gun Sales Lead To Remington Mass Layoffs

Crashing "Post-Obama Era" Gun Sales Lead To Remington Mass Layoffs

As we noted last summer, the Obama administration’s constant gun control threats did little more than flood American homes with more guns as people looked to stockpile weapons ahead of anticipated new regulations.  In fact, both of Obama's elections resulted in massive and unprecedented spikes in gun sales.


Meanwhile, Obama's presidency was a boon for the gun manufacturers whose revenue, profitability and stocks all soared during his presidency.


Here Are The Top 15 'Obamagate' Wiretap Victims

Here Are The Top 15 'Obamagate' Wiretap Victims

Via Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit blog,

The Main Stream Media and other enemies of the current President are challenging the proposition that President Obama wire tapped President Donald Trump during the 2016 Presidential race. President Trump started this discussion with his tweets over the weekend, but it should be clear that it is not unfounded that former President Obama would wire tap President Trump during the election process
