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Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

China Joins Russia In Calling For Official Probe Into Use Of Chemical Weapons In Syria

China Joins Russia In Calling For Official Probe Into Use Of Chemical Weapons In Syria

If there was any confusion whether in addition to Moscow, Beijing was also behind Assad, today all doubts were laid to rest when both Russia and China called on all involved parties "to support the efforts of the OPCW and the United Nations in investigating the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria," according to a joint statement by Russian and Chinese leaders on the current international situation posted on Kremlin website on Tuesday, following a meeting between Putin and China's president Xi Jinping.

Watchdog Says ISIS May Be Making Chemical Weapons

A government watchdog has warned that there are “extremely worrying” signs that ISIS might be developing chemical weapons of its own.  Director General of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Ahmet Uzumcu said that ISIS may already be using such weapons in Iraq and Syria. reports: Uzumcu said fact-finding teams from The Hague-based watchdog have discovered evidence that suggest the use of sulfur mustard in attacks in the two crisis-hit Arab countries.