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In Victory For Merkel, G20 Reach Compromise On Trade But Trump Holds Out On Climate

In Victory For Merkel, G20 Reach Compromise On Trade But Trump Holds Out On Climate

World leaders meeting at the G-20 summit in Germany have agreed on almost every aspect of the joint communique, where in a victory for Merkel they vowed to fight protectionism and secure fair trade seeking to defuse President Donald Trump’s threats of unilateral measures the WSJ reported; they have so far failed, however, on a compromise position in the section on climate where the United States is pushing for a reference to fossil fuels, European Union officials said according to Reuters.

Major Police Operation On Champs Elysees: Car Explodes After Ramming Police Van, Armed Driver Arrested

There has been an incident on Paris' Champs Elysees, which has been cordoned off, with heavy police presence when car exploded after ramming a police van.  According to AFP, the French police say the car ramed a police van before bursting into flames. The suspected driver was 'downed' after driving into police car on Champs-Elysees and has been arrested. According to AFP, the car driver was armed.

Global Warming Frenzy Continues Over Trump: When Has Mass Hysteria Ever Been Right?

Global Warming Frenzy Continues Over Trump: When Has Mass Hysteria Ever Been Right?

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

Corporate CEOs, French and German leaders, and the general crowd of Al Gore brainwashed global warming fearmongers are up in arms over Trump pulling out of the Paris Global Warming Accord.

The Financial Times reports G7 Allies Lead Anger at Trump’s Exit from Paris Climate Agreement.

French President Emmanuel Macron issued a video statement in English urging US scientists to relocate to France.

Heads of Germany, France, Italy Issue Joint Statement
