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Bannon Out Of NSC? McMaster Prepares To Reorganize Foreign Policy Team

Bannon Out Of NSC? McMaster Prepares To Reorganize Foreign Policy Team

The arrival of Mike Flynn's replacement, Gen. H.R. McMaster as Trump's new national security advisor could mean sweeping changes of the White House foreign policy team, giving him control of Homeland Security and guarantee full access to the military and intelligence agencies. In a report by the NYT, Mr. McMaster is said to be weighing changes to an organization chart that generated consternation when it was issued last month.

Trump's "Aggressive" Tax Timeline Is "Unachievable": Beacon Advisors

Concerns about Trump's tax cut plan - arguably the biggest catalyst behind the market's daily record highs - are mounting.

Yesterday, when discussing the rising opposition to a simple "repeal and replace" of Obamacare, Goldman Sachs explained that any turbulence in resolving the Obamacare problem would spillover into other domestic policy targets, most notably tax reform, to wit:

China Prepares For "Regime Collapse" In North Korea

China Prepares For "Regime Collapse" In North Korea

Over the weekend, following reports that China has banned all North Korean coal imports - in the aftermath of last week's North Korean ballistic missile launch- which marked a troubling escalation in relations between the two formerly "amicable" nations, we discussed how China was tipping its hand that not only was Kim Jong-Un potentially losing a "very big ally", but that it could also lead to "jeopady" for his regime, and a potential political coup in the generally unstable dictatorship.
