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Trump Meets With Top CEOs To Brainstorm "Jump-Starting" US Economy, Creating Jobs

Today at 10:30am, president Trump will summon some of America’s most prominent corporate executives to the White House Thursday, in a roundtable brainstorming session whose purpose is to come up with policy ideas meant to facilitate trade and taxes, boost job creation and generally jump-start the US economy.

Steven Mnuchin Speaks To CNBC, Fails To Give Trump Tax Plan Details: Key Highlights

Following his first interview since being confirmed yesterday with the WSJ, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin spoke to CNBC's Becky Quick and repeated some of the key points he made yesterday, among which his hope to get tax reform done by the August Congress recess, however he again confirmed that there are too many moving pieces at this point saying it is "too early to give details" of the Trump tax plan.

Lady Rothschild Blasts John “Pizzagate” Podesta On Twitter

Lady Rothschild has blasted John Podesta as a “loser” who ran an “arrogant and out of touch campaign” in extraordinary public comments that may signal John “Pizzagate” Podesta is seen as a liability and is about to be pushed under the bus by the elite. Responding to an interview in which John Podesta attempted to blame everyone under the sun for Hillary’s election loss – except Hillary or the Democrats themselves – Lady Rothschild launched an eviscerating personal attack on the notorious former Clinton campaign manager.

How Tennessee Could Be About To Start A Constitutional Crisis

How Tennessee Could Be About To Start A Constitutional Crisis

The State Senate of Tennessee has laid the legislative groundwork for something that hasn't been done in the United States of America since the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia.  With a vote of 27-3, the Tennessee Senate has voted to call a "convention of the states" in order to draft and pass an amendment to the Constitution that would require balanced budgets to be passed every year. 
