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WikiLeaks: McCain Took Money From Dead Russian Ambassador

Senator John McCain illegally propositioned Russian ambassador Vitaly Churkin to donate to his presidential campaign in 2008, according to new documents released by WikiLeaks. Churkin, who was Russian ambassador to the United Nations, mysteriously died last Tuesday at the age of 65. According to the WikiLeaks release, McCain has kept quiet his involvement in forcing Russia to interfere in the 2008 presidential campaign, by asking the ambassador and Russian embassy for bucket loads of cash.

Democrat Maxine Waters Calls Trump Administration "A Bunch Of Scumbags"

Democrat Maxine Waters Calls Trump Administration "A Bunch Of Scumbags"

After explaining to the American public two weeks ago that Vladimir Putin invaded Korea, Democrat Party mouthpiece congresswoman Maxine Waters appeared on MSNBC's 'All in with Chris Hayes' and told the American public that the Trump administration is "a bunch of scumbags."

Having read off a list of people connected to the Trump administration who also have connections to Russia and the energy industry, Waters exclaimed...

"It's Absolutely Out Of Control": Did Trump Just Spoil The Deficit-Spending Party?

"It's Absolutely Out Of Control": Did Trump Just Spoil The Deficit-Spending Party?

Seemingly reassuring conservatives, especially his fiscally hawkish former Tea-Party member Budget Director, President Trump warned that America's "[spending] was out of control," as officials gathered to discuss the budget, adding that there is "enormous work to do on the national debt."

While stocks did not blink, Trump's comments definitely angled more fiscal hawk than free-spending deficit dove.

Putin Trump Love Affair Sours, Moves Toward War

There is a growing concern among top Kremlin officials that the new Trump administration is far less friendly than previously thought. When Russia was cheering for Donald Trump in the US elections, it was doing so purely out of dislike for Hillary Clinton, to stop her entering the White House and starting world war III. Donald Trump’s friendly attitude toward Russia at the time was for the same reason.

Guess Which Country The Man Behind California's Secession Movement Lives In?

Guess Which Country The Man Behind California's Secession Movement Lives In?

The disenfranchised, hurt-feeling liberals of California, who are herding towards 'CalExit' in ever-increasing numbers since the election of Donald Trump, are about to face up to an ugly reality in their perception of their virtue-signaling. As NYT reports, the president of the 'Yes California' movement lives in Russia.
