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Rand Paul: John McCain Is A Warmongering Killer

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has blasted John McCain, calling him out a “warmonger killer” who he says the American public are lucky to not have in charge.  Following McCain’s attack on President Trump’s criticism of the press on Sunday, Rand Paul hit back at the 2008 GOP presidential nominee, saying, “we’re very lucky John McCain is not in charge.” reports: “Everything that he says about the president is colored by his own personal dispute he’s got running with President Trump, and it should be taken with a grain of salt, because John McCain’s the guy who’s advocated for war ever

Red Hysteria Engulfs Washington

Red Hysteria Engulfs Washington

Submitted by Eric Margolis via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

President Dwight Eisenhower’s warning about the dangers of the military-industrial complex made half a century ago ring as loud and clear today. The soft coup being mounted against the Trump government by America’s ‘deep state’ reached a new intensity this week as special interests battled for control of Washington.

Anti-Trump Rally in NYC Silent During Muslim Call to Prayer

Attended by Mayor Deblasio and all of NYC elites and celebrities, New Yorkers set out to prove to the muslim world that they too are tolerant enough to cede and heel to the intolerance of Islamic law. The sweet and indelible irony in all of this tolerance is that it promotes retrograde level intolerance -- that if given enough room to grow and flourish -- will literally render all of these leftists extinct.

I call this 'suicide via liberalism.'

Prospects For A Quick Obamacare Repeal Are Fading Fast

Prospects For A Quick Obamacare Repeal Are Fading Fast

Back on January 12th, 8 days before Trump even officially moved into the White House, the prospects of a quick repeal and replacement of Obamacare were looking really good when the Senate voted 51-48 to instruct key committees to start drafting legislation to do away with Obama's crowning "achievement".  In fact, that early January budget resolution required lawmakers to submit repeal proposals for consideration by January 27th, a lofty goal, but welcome news to conservative voters around the country that were eager for a quick unwind of the controversial legislation.

"Fake Data": Economists Concerned Trump Administration Will Adopt 'Alternative' Economic Facts

"Fake Data": Economists Concerned Trump Administration Will Adopt 'Alternative' Economic Facts

Over the weekend we noted that the Trump administration was considering changing the U.S. trade deficit calculation to exclude re-exports from the US trade balance, a shift that would make America's trade gap appear even greater than it has been in recent years, potentially making future trade skirmishes and wars with America's export-heavy trade partners far more likely (see "White House May Change Calculation Of US Trade Deficit, Boosting Trade War Odds").
