Attended by Mayor Deblasio and all of NYC elites and celebrities, New Yorkers set out to prove to the muslim world that they too are tolerant enough to cede and heel to the intolerance of Islamic law. The sweet and indelible irony in all of this tolerance is that it promotes retrograde level intolerance -- that if given enough room to grow and flourish -- will literally render all of these leftists extinct.
I call this 'suicide via liberalism.'
In the following countries sodomy is a capital offense: Afghanistan, Brunei, Iran, Iraq, Mauritania, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.
In Algeria, Bahrain, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Tunisia, Syria and Bahrain, 'debauchery' is often met with prison terms up to 10 years.
In Indonesia, women interested in joining the military need to undergo the 2 finger test, to ensure virginity.
In Sudan, women are punished with 40 lashes for wearing trousers -- as that sort of garb is deemed unsuitable for a female. In Pakistan, men are permitted to 'lightly beat' their wives as a form of discipline.
The helter skelter insanity of laws in different Islamic countries around the world are rooted in religious intolerance where Islam reigns over them with the cerements of oppression. Some of the core tenets of classic liberalism used to be women's rights, gay rights and separation of Church and State. The modern day version of liberalism eschews vintage activism for human rights in exchange for wanton support of religious extremism that is the essence of intolerance and produces nothing but failed states and dystopian nightmares everywhere it is implemented.
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