Who Really Rules The United States?
Submitted by Matthew Continetti via FreeBeacon.com,
How bureaucrats are fighting the voters for control of our country
Submitted by Matthew Continetti via FreeBeacon.com,
How bureaucrats are fighting the voters for control of our country
Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,
Earlier this week, Tucker Carlson interviewed the Washington Post’s Erik Wemple and brought up the fact that the paper regularly receives money from the Russian government to publish propaganda known as “native advertising” within the contents of the newspaper. This was news to me.
Here’s the clip.
The desperation is becoming grotesque as the left's inability to move through the stages of grief is ever more evident.
In the latest farcical attempt to create a narrative, as The Hill reports, a growing number of Democrats are openly questioning President Trump’s mental health.
The Pentagon has confirmed that the U.S. military used depleted uranium anti-tank rounds on Syrian civilians, during air strikes against ISIS. On two occasions in 2015, the military used depleted uranium munitions in air strikes against Islamic State tanker trucks, despite warnings by the United Nations Environment Program that they posed a health risk to civilians due to their “chemically and radiologically toxic heavy metal.” Thelastamericanvagabond.com reports: In 2015 the military claimed that they would not be using DU rounds in Syria, and for good reason.