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Was the Ousting of General Flynn an Elaborate Ruse to Expose Leakers?

Was the Ousting of General Flynn an Elaborate Ruse to Expose Leakers?

It sounds outlandish from a plebeian point of view. But the question should be proffered: was the whole Flynn fiasco a ruse, getting the left and the media going crazy, chasing their tails over a non existent Russian conspiracy, an operation to expose disloyal leakers inside the administration and/or intelligence agencies?

A few things to consider.

Putin Accuses NATO Of Trying To Draw Russia Into A Confrontation

Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused NATO of constantly trying to provoke Russia in an attempt to draw them into a confrontation. He also said that members of the alliance continue to interfere in Russia’s domestic affairs. RT reports: The accusations came as Putin addressed senior members of the Russian intelligence agency FSB on Thursday.

Wikileaks Exposes CIA Involvement In French 2012 Presidential Election

In a move that is sure to unleash a fresh firestorm of accusations that Russia is interfering in the upcoming French elections, Wikileaks has has released three classified CIA "tasking orders" revealing details of a seven-month long spying campaign and involvement by the agency ahead of the 2012 French presidential election.

The 7 pages of documents reveal that all major French political parties "were targeted for infiltration by the CIA's human ("HUMINT") and electronic ("SIGINT") spies in the seven months leading up to France's 2012 presidential election."

Trump Nominee For Israel Is ‘Extremist’ & Unqualified Say Former Envoys

A Senate committee has been urged  to carefully consider Donald Trump’s nomination for ambassador to Israel, saying  that he is an “extremist” who is unqualified for the job. In a letter sent to the Senate foreign relations committee, five former US ambassadors said that Trumps pick, hard liner David Friedman, had presented “extreme, radical positions” on Israel, supported illegal settlements and opposed a two-state solution for the Palestinian conflict.
