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Iran's Ayatollah Accuses Obama Of Creating ISIS, Says Trump Exposes "Real Face" Of American Moral Corruption

Trump's ongoing spat with Iran escalated on Tuesday, when Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei dismissed the US president's warning to Iran to stop its missile tests, saying the new U.S. president had shown the "real face" of American corruption. "We are thankful to (Trump) for making our life easy as he showed the real face of America," Khamenei said according to his website. He made the remarks in an address to the commanders of the Army Air Force on the verge of the Islamic Revolution’s victory anniversary which falls on February 10 this year.

Trump Slams "Haters", Says "I Don't Know Putin", Lashes Out At Obama Deal With "#1 In Terror" Iran

It was only a matter of time before Trump commented on his controversial interview with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly, in which he denied to paint Putin with broad "killer" brush strokes as his interview host suggested, and he did so this morning in his latest tweet moments ago, in which the President said that "the haters are going" crazy after his recent comments about Russian President Vladimir Putin sparked criticism. At the same time, Trump used the oppotunity to attack Obama's deal with Iran "#1 in terror", which the "haters" seem to have "no problem" with.

Trump Is Right: Obama Killed Far More People Than Putin

When President Trump said “You think our country’s so innocent?” to Bill O’Reilly on Fox News he showed why he is the most effective politician in the country right now. By cutting straight through the crap and speaking to people on the level they deserve, Trump proved he is the leader for our times. Establishment politicians have lost the voters because they continue pushing out-of-date cliches and easily-seen-through lies. People are tired of politicians talking down to them, assuming they are stupid, and believing they will fall for the same old three card trick.

Australians Turn Against PM After His Spat With President Trump

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnball’s disastrous phone call with President Trump might have thrust him into the international spotlight, but polls show “embarrassed” Australian voters have turned against him in droves since the incident. Pundits say Australians are embarrassed their Prime Minister used his first phone call with President Trump to air his dirty laundry in public and attempt to push thousands of unwanted refugees on their closest ally, the United States.
