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The Washington Post Has Declared War On Peacemakers; Dennis Kucinich Rages Against The Military-Industrial-Complex

The Washington Post Has Declared War On Peacemakers; Dennis Kucinich Rages Against The Military-Industrial-Complex

Via Dennis Kucinich's Facebook page...

I have dedicated my life to peace. As a member of Congress I led efforts to avert conflict and end wars in countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria and Iran. And yet those of us who work for peace are put under false scrutiny to protect Washington’s war machine. Those who undermine our national security by promoting military attacks and destroying other nations are held up as national leaders to admire.

DHS Suspends Implementation Of Trump Immigration Order, Reverses Visa Cancelation; Vows To Fight

In what is an almost complete reversal of Trump's immigration executive order, which temporarily banned the entry of refugees and citizens from seven mostly Muslim nations into the US, moments ago the Department of Homeland Security announced that "in accordance with the judge's ruling, DHS has suspended any and all actions implementing the affected sections of the Executive Order entitled, "Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States." 

Iran Defies Trump: Carries Out More Missile Tests, Threatens Enemies With "Roaring Missiles"

Iran Defies Trump: Carries Out More Missile Tests, Threatens Enemies With "Roaring Missiles"

Iran does appears to not be taking Trump's escalating threats too seriously, because just one day after the US imposed restrictions on 25 Iranian individuals and entities in response to a ballistic missile test last week (a move which provoked Tehran to answer by saying it would disclose the names of US individuals and companies involved in "helping and founding" terrorist groups), Iran carried out more missile tests during a military exercise on Saturday. 

Greed Is Good: Trump Hands Economy ‘Back Over to Wall Street’

In a “spectacular betrayal” of trust President Donald Trump is handing the U.S. economy “back over to Wall Street.” “The Wall Street bankers against whom Trump ran are making policy now,” says Public Citizen. As President Trump surrounds himself with Wall Street bankers he risks repeating the global financial crisis they caused during the last recession. The Wall Street bankers are getting ready to enter into turbo mode under Trump.

President Trump: McCain And Graham Are Trying To Start WW3

President Trump lashed out at Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham for attacking his policies, saying they are “always” trying to start World War 3. Trump made the remarks in a number of tweets shortly after the two senators published a joint statement against his recent directive to ban the people of seven Muslim majority countries from entering America. The joint statement of former presidential candidates John McCain & Lindsey Graham is wrong – they are sadly weak on immigration. The two… — Donald J.
