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Trump Flip-Flops On Israel: Tells Netanyahu, No New Settlements

Trump Flip-Flops On Israel: Tells Netanyahu, No New Settlements

Having expressed strong support for Israel during his campaign and Obama's lame-duck session, it appears President Trump is shifting gears rather markedly. In a statement issued tonight, The White House commented that "the construction of new settlements or the expansion of existing settlements beyond their current borders may not be helpful in achieving that goal."


Statement by the Press Secretary

Two Wars Are About To Break Out Over Border Adjustment Tax

Two Wars Are About To Break Out Over Border Adjustment Tax

When it comes to the future of the US economy, capital markets, the strength of the dollar, and tax policy in general, few proposals are likely to have as much of an impact as the border adjustment tax, or BAT, which as we profiled before, could have a significant impact on the value of the dollar, pushing it as much as 15% higher, and leading to dramatic changes in global trade patterns. As a reminder, House speaker Paul Ryan is the primary advocate of the BAT, arguing this effective $1.2 trillion tax on imports is the only way Congress can pay for Trump's proposed massive tax cuts.

Peak Liberal Protest Idiocy: Protesting Chuck Schumer Outside His Apartment

Submitted by Duane via Free Market Shooter blog,

I’m on record as stating how unproductive, foolish and dangerous the recent liberal protests have been, and that’s before you even bring the hypocrisy factor into play.  But a liberal protest against Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY)?  That is taking hypocrisy and idiocy to a whole ‘nother level.

Sarah Silverman Calls For Fascist Military Coup To Overthrow White House

Sarah Silverman has urged the military to perform a violent, fascist coup to remove President Trump “and his handlers” from the White House. Using typical liberal doublespeak, Silverman informed her 10 million Twitter followers that President Trump is a “mad king” and a “fascist” before boasting that once the military has been co-opted by the far-left they will be able seize control of the United States by force.

Tim Kaine Calls For Civil War In America

Democratic Senator and Hillary Clinton running mate Tim Kaine has called for a civil war in America to “fight the Trump administration”. On Tuesday’s Morning Joe show on MSNBC, Kaine said that members of the public should take to the streets and do everything they can to force Trump out of the White House. reports: Partial Transcript: MIKA BRZEZINSKI, CO-HOST “MORNING JOE”: So, broad question about the future of the Democratic Party, especially given your firsthand experience with what we’ve all been through.
