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White House Denies Authenticity Of Leaked Executive Order To Reopen CIA "Black Site" Prisons

Earlier today, the New York Times published a 3-page draft of an executive order, allegedly penned by the Trump administration, entitled "Detention and Interrogation of Enemy Combatants."  According to the NYT, which "obtained" the document from an anonymous source, the executive order seeks to, among other things, reopen overseas CIA "black site" prisons that Obama ordered closed in 2009. 

New Pipeline Protests After Trump Revives Keystone, Dakota Projects

Hundreds of protesters opposed to the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines took to the streets of Washington on Tuesday night after President Trump signed executive orders clearing the way for the controversial projects to move forward. Trump’s order to revive the controversial Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines has triggered outrage among environmentalists and native American activists. Press TV reports: The protesters were mostly from Native American tribes who have formed a movement against the projects.

Trump Signs Executive Orders On Border Security, Immigration Enforcement - Live Stream

As previewed last night, Reuters reports that during his visit to the Department of Homeland Security, President Trump is signing two executive orders on Wednesday including one to jumpstart the construction of the US-Mexico border wall as well as boosting border security, and another strengthening the enforcement of immigration laws.

Italy Closer To Early Elections After Constitutional Court Modifies Election Law

As previewed last night, on Wednesday afternoon Italy’s Constitutional Court struck down parts of the electoral law for the lower house, effectively devising a new voting system for the country, and bringing the country one step closer to early elections in a boost to former Premier Matteo Renzi. The court, which had been tasked to rule on Renzi’s 2015 electoral reform, struck down a provision for a run-off vote for the lower house, saying it should be held in just one round. The rest of the law was left largely intact and the court ruled that it can be applied immediately.
