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How Tillerson Could Fuel A Russian Arctic Drilling Boom

Submitted by Robert Berke via,

It’s now clear to nearly everyone that U.S. President Trump intends to seek warmer U.S. relations with Russia, while putting China and Iran relations in the deep freezer. Trump has made no secret of this major shift in policy. It’s also clear that he sees China, very much like Obama, as a major threat to U.S. global leadership.

Talk Radio Host, Dr. Michael Savage, Goes on Epic Rant Over DNC Candidate Sally Boynton Brown and Anti-White Democrats

In response to  poor Sally Boynton Brown's anti-white rhetoric, who is vying for leadership of the DNC by promising to shut her fellow white people down, Dr. Michael Savage offered poignant commentary -- hearkening back to when Amy Biehl was killed by S. African retrogrades --  bridging the two anti-white women together by describing them as being afflicted by an acute mental malady -- bordering on self-immolation.

Listen to the clip. I promise you it's worth your time.

Senate To Investigate FBI ‘Cover-Up’ Of Illegal Clinton Emails

The U.S. Senate will consider whether or not to launch a full blown investigation into claims that the FBI covered-up criminal activity by Hillary Clinton during their email investigation last year.  Senator Jeff Sessions is calling for an investigation into how the FBI granted immunity to Clinton Foundation director Cheryl Mills and destroyed evidence under congressional subpoena. reports: “I was a U.S. attorney and an assistant U.S. attorney before that and I have been through a lot of these issues,” Sessions says.

George Soros Files Lawsuit To Impeach President Trump

Billionaire globalist George Soros has launched a campaign to impeach President Trump by filing a lawsuit against the President just days after taking office.  Soros’ Open Society Foundations funded the organization that filed the lawsuit against President Trump which will challenge the “Constitutionality of his presidency,” according to reports. Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland last week, Soros boasted to the audience that he would “take down President Trump” for disrupting his globalist plans for the world.

Apollo Astronaut: Aliens Prevented War Between Russia And U.S.

Former NASA astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell has claimed that peaceful aliens visited earth in order to avert a war between the U.S. and Russia.  The Apollo 14 astronaut claims that aliens prevented the Cold War from descending into World War 3 in the 1940’s and 50’s. reports: In an interview with the Mirror, the former astronaut stated, “White Sands was an evaluation ground for nuclear weaponry – and that is what the extra-terrestrials were curious about.
